Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Carpe diem " why? and why not?"

Do you agree with the famous Latin saying carpe diem? Why? or Why not?

I would say yes and no to this question. I would say yes i agree with this because true tomorrows not a promising day. Also nobody knows when it's there time to go and leave this earth so you have to live that day and hope tommorrow comes. I would say no because although tomorrows not a promissing day theres also the next day to think about. You dont want to go out thinking this is your last day you also have to think about the future and what it may bring.

1 comment:

carrie said...

I totally agree. If you have no concern for the future, you are destined to set yourself up for trouble. It's wise to make plans for the future.

Good post. Some small errors but good content. As is 18/20 points.